by mphotoadmin | Nov 26, 2018

I have recently gotten back into photographing the newbies. I stopped doing it for a while because I was no longer feeling passionate about it! I was also spending hours on a session trying to get the perfectly posed sleeping baby. I quickly realized this is not me. I am someone who likes to prep the scene and then see how it plays out.
I also did not have a studio and showing up at a clients houses and not knowing what the lighting would be like gave me knots in my stomach. Now I rent the lovely Bloom Collective in Roseville and my sessions are so relaxing and fun!
This family I have known since their mama was in high school and have been photographing them since older sis was a little baby. It make me so happy and fills my cup up knowing that my clients consistently come back to me for the big moments. I am so grateful to them for supporting my small business.

I finally got a smile out of her at the very end!
by mphotoadmin | Nov 19, 2018

Juliane was in her element traipsing around downtown Sacramento finding beautiful murals and retro buildings to pose in front of. I knew right from the get go at our consultation that this is the type of location fit for Juliane’s senior portrait experience. I also knew from our wardrobe consult what look she was going for and the color pallet to look for when location scouting. I always try to find the right background to compliment what the client is wearing.
This girl has some dedicated parents, they hauled this paint setup all around downtown Sacramento! Such troopers! But it was all worth it to capture this beautiful scene in Capitol park!

This sun flare was everything!

We decided to throw her hair up for a few shots and as her mom was putting it up I stopped them and started shooting. Her mom loved this hair in the face authentic moment!

The artist in her was all about this shot next to the Frida Kalho mural! IT was the most perfect last shot of the session. With that being said- ” That’s a wrap!”